Instructions and Templates for all APISAT-2023 Accepted Authors

(Highly Important)
Version 2, July 12, 2023


Dear All,

Congratulations that your paper abstract has been accepted by APISAT-2023. There are three tracks for the full paper submission. To clarify the difference among the three tracks, please read the below message thoroughly, then prepare and submit your full paper accordingly with necessary support materials.

For all tracks, please prepare your papers with the provided word template.


Click here to enter the Submission Center to submit paper.

  Track 1: Publication with Springer

To get your papers published with Springer at its Lecture Notes in Electric Engineering(LNEE), peer review process will be carried out. In this case, please submit your full paper in both WORD and PDF format for peer review. Then modify your paper according to review result in case of acceptance. For the final publication, the following materials will be required:

a. Final full manuscript in WORD format
b. Final full manuscript in PDF format
c. Signed and Scanned Licence to Publish Agreement
d. Third-party permission (if applicable, be presented in the form of research-permission template, research release template or CCC permission)

Full Paper for Peer Review: Aug. 7th, 2023 Aug. 13th, 2023.
Peer Review Result: Sep. 18th, 2023.
Final Camera Ready Papers: before Oct 9th, 2023.

The corresponding author must be available to check the paper before it is published. Please note that once a paper has been delivered to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the paper cannot be made. Authors’ names cannot be added or deleted, their order cannot be changed, and the corresponding author cannot be altered.

According to the practice of Springer, the author name shall follow the order of Given Name + Family Name.

Here are some further explanation on the required materials

A. Licence to Publish Agreement

Each contribution must be accompanied by a Springer Nature Licence to Publish agreement. Modified agreements are not acceptable. The corresponding author, who is also marked as such in the header of the paper, must sign the agreement on behalf of all of the authors of a particular paper, having gained their permission to do so. He or she signs and accepts responsibility for releasing the material on behalf of any and all co-authors.

B. Third-party permissions

As an author/editor of a work, you are responsible for overseeing the inclusion of third party content. By ‘third party content’ we mean any work that you have not created yourself and which you have reproduced or adapted from other sources. 

This document does not constitute legal advice. Authors remain fully responsible for ensuring that they have obtained, documented and paid for (when applicable), all necessary rights to use third party content in their works. If authors chose to reuse third party content from a previous edition of their work, they are also responsible for ensuring they obtained permission from the third party for new editions. Nothing in this document is to be understood as shifting responsibility for rights clearance questions from authors to Springer Nature. In case of uncertainty, authors should seek advice from a lawyer.

To obtain permission to use third-party material in the manuscript visit the Rights Holder website or Copyright Clearance Center Marketplace (CCC, If the material is not found, please exert your best efforts to use our Permissions Request Form and/or Release Request Form (to obtain permission from interviewees or other identifiable individuals or the owners of identifiable property in source material) for your request. If the rights-holder issues their own form, please ensure that the document they provide includes all Required Rights listed in the ‘Guide to Obtaining Permissions’ section in our Springer Nature Third Party Permissions Guidelines.

More details on gain of the third-party permissions, please visit.
A video on the permission by Springer Editor is available.

  Track 2: Publication with Chinese Journal of Aeronautics(CJA)

Basing on the peer review result, only the best papers will be recommended for publication with CJA. A further review will be made by CJA strictly in compliance with its standards. Thus, some papers will be accepted while the rest will be refused. The refused ones will not be published by Springer neither.

Therefore, authors shall make a decision on whether publishing with CJA or with Springer if their papers get the recommendation. A confirmation letter will be sent to the authors.

CJA is an open access peer review paper ranking Q1 among journal of aeronautical engineering. For more information, please refer to:

  Track 3: No publication

If you are not going to get your paper published, it will be collected and made available for exchange within delegates via an online database. In this case, your camera ready manuscript(either full paper, extended abstract or summary) should be submitted before Oct 9th, 2023.

In case of any questions, please feel free to contact us at


Materials for download:

A. Word-Template
B. Licence to Publish Agreement
C. Research-Permission Template ( for work previously published by Springer)
D. Research- Release Template (for work’s copyright not found on CCC)
E. Third-party permission video (spoken in Chinese with English subtitles)